Business Week recently ran a cover story on the advent of disposable workers. While the title may be distasteful, the concept is viable. As companies recover from The Great Recession, the likelihood of organizations staffing up to pre-2009 levels is low. As a result, we'll see a dramatic uptick in the ranks of contingent workers - 1099s, temporary workers and the like. Creative services departments will be significantly impacted by this trend, as companies will certainly limit full-time hiring in non-core functions like creative.

At the same time, the IRS and state governments are aggressively pursuing cases in which employers misclassify workers. Whistleblowers are also cooperating. Which means employers are scrambling to make sure they're in compliance with the law.

Given the confluence of these issues, Cella Consulting will be hosting a webinar: Best Practices in Managing Contingent Workers on February 3, 2010 at 1 pm EST.

In the webinar, we'll be discussing recent research we've performed with our customers on their contingent workforce and employee classification. Industry executives will be presenting best practices and answering questions from the audience to give you real-time responses to the business issues your organization faces.

For information about how Cella can add value to your business through consulting, coaching, and training, please email

Jim Lanzalotto is Vice President of Cella Consulting, a traditional management consultancy focused on optimizing in-house creative operations. Jim has a wide variety of experience in business strategy, interactive services and marketing based on his 25 years leading creative teams. He lives in Newtown Square, PA with his wife and three children.