Cost management, flexibility and cutting edge if not all of these reasons have led you to use consultants and/or temporary associates on your latest project or proposal. The Microsoft case in the 90's drove awareness around co-employment issues. Since then, many companies have adopted practices such as term limits to help mitigate the risks highlighted in the Microsoft case. Now, the IRS has announced as many as 6000 audits to commence this spring around the employee classification.

As the economy starts to show signs of a rebound, with GDP growth in the third and fourth quarters of 2009 we are starting to also see an increase in the usage of temporary associates. The use of temporary workers, one segment of the contingent workforce, has grown five months in a row now, and the gains in quarter four 2009 are the highest since the early 90's.

We have seen amongst our clients and heard the industry analysts discuss a rising trend in the use of contingent workers for specific project work governed by detailed statements of work. At the same time, companies are unsure of how to go about engaging consultants under a statement of work and how to navigate the delicate legal requirements to ensure proper classification and protection from co-employment issues.

What is your company doing? Are you increasing your usage of contingent workers? How do you onboard these resources? And are you prepared for the pending IRS audits, should your company be chosen?

On February 3rd, join Cella Consulting as we bring together experts in Contingent Workforce Management to discuss best practices amongst creative services teams, government contractors and their HR and Procurement partners. We will debunk the common myths around term limits and provide other insightful tips to help you not only bring together a cutting edge team for your project but also to ensure that you are managing them effectively.

For information about how Cella can add value to your business through consulting, coaching, and training, please email

Cella Consulting is a management consulting company specializing in optimizing operations at in-house creative organizations. Cella relies on the experience and knowledge of our exceptional team of consultants to create innovative solutions for our clients. Our team has been selected based on a specific expertise and their experience working in agencies and/or in-house creative organizations. Together, our teams offers a full range of functional skills--in strategy, funding models, technology, process, change management, marketing communications, and personnel development--and an remarkable ability to find practical solutions for optimizing operational performance and maximizing ROI.